Move with Ease

Discount offered for Friends of Age Exchange

Saturday workshops
20 January, 17 February, 23 March, 20 April
Bakehouse Theatre 

These gentle, exploratory sessions combining awareness and movement have the potential to improve mobility, balance and posture and provide relief from chronic pain and anxiety.  Lessons mainly take place lying on the floor and sometimes sitting or standing. Anne will guide you through a sequence of movements to be made at your own rate and with curiosity with the aim of providing relief from tension and unhelpful patterns of moving. The Feldenkrais Method is useful for everyone and especially those who would like to find more ease in their movement and a way to grow old gracefully.

£18 for Friends (usual price £25) or £15 for your first session

To book or for more information please call Anne Taylor on 07816 420 102 or email
