Monday Club in Finchley

Age Exchange is delighted to be running Monday Club at Finchley Memorial Hospital. Thank you to GB Partnerships and Bellrock FM whose generous support has made the club possible.


Come along and join us for 5 months of reminiscence, arts and crafts, singing and music appreciation, dance and movement and lots of other fun activities!

This project runs from July to December 2023

Each week starts with tea and biscuits at 2pm!

Finchley Memorial Hospital
Room 61 and 62
Granville Road
North Finchley
London N12 0JE

10, 17, 31 July
7, 14 August
11, 18, 25 September
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 October
6, 13, 20, 27 November
11, 18 December

Vale Drive Health Centre
Health Clinic Group Room
Vale Drive
Barnet EN5 2ED

20 November
4 December

Free to take part

Note, this is a continuation of the Monday Club that we ran from February (on a Friday).

If you would like to access any of these services please fill out a referral form and email to

Or call us on 07729 107 520 if you have any questions.