Gentle Mat Pilates and Chair Pilates

Gentle Mat based Pilates
9.45am -10.45am

A gentle, flowing mat based class covering the fundamentals of body alignment, breathing and use of core muscles to help improve your core strength, balance, flexibility and range of movement.

£10 per class over a term - normally 6 or 7 weeks

Chair based Pilates
11.30am -12.30pm

A gentle chair based class designed to keep you active.  There is a focus on body alignment, posture, breathing and stretching to ensure good mobility and balance.  This class covers the same fundamentals as the earlier mat based class but from a seated or standing position with no mat work.

£10 per class or £90 for a pass for 10 classes

Both classes are in the Bakehouse and involve work with a resistance band, soft over-ball, spiky massage ball and a firm foam block.